This Page is a "how to" for DNS hosting.
Written by Jason Lewis

This page is currently under construction

There are a few tools required to get DNS Hosting completed:

  1. DNS Server (MySQL_Bind prefered)
  2. Web Server (Apache prefered)
  3. way to communicate between DNS and Web Servers (CGI)

There are many types of Web servers and DNS servers out there, but I will only talk about the basics ideas of how they work.

The theory involves....

    The easiest method for getting this to work is to use a dynamic DNS server.  (This does not mean it can be done with a static server and SIG's!)  The web server will have some sort of CGI installed that talks to the database.

Now for the programming....

    You will need to setup your CGI-BIN folder in apache. Next you will need to create a couple of web pages with forms on them for editing the MySQL database.